Here Are the Common Symptoms Associated with Dry Mouth and Ways to Find Relief
Common symptoms of dry mouth include a dry, sticky mouth (also known as cotton-mouth), bad breath and chapped lips. One problem with dry mouth is that saliva may be reduced by 50% before you realize you have the symptoms of dry mouth. At this point, oral problems may have already set in. You can better manage these symptoms with Biotène and other simple remedies.
Recognizing Dry Mouth
Symptoms Is Important
Dry mouth can not only be annoying and feel uncomfortable, but more importantly, it can also impact your oral health. If left untreated, dry mouth could result in greater risk of bad breath, cavities, and mouth infections*.
Recognizing the symptoms of dry mouth is the first step to getting the moisturizing relief needed while improving overall oral health.
*Biotène is not indicated for these conditions.
*Up to 3X increased risk of cavities
What are Common Symptoms of Dry Mouth?
Check out these common symptoms**. If any of these look or feel familiar, you might already have dry mouth or are at risk of developing it:
- A feeling of soreness in the mouth
- Stickiness to the touch in the mouth
- Cracking at the corners of the mouth
- The mouth looking red and parched
- Difficulty eating dry or spicy foods
- Food just not tasting like it used to
- Difficulty speaking
- A tendency to wake up more often during the night feeling thirsty
- Bad breath
- Problems speaking
- Difficulty swallowing or eating dry foods
- Problems wearing dentures
You may be:
- Licking your lips constantly
- Finding your mouth feels sticky or dry
- Avoiding certain foods
- Trying to relieve the problem by drinking more, sucking sweets (candy/mints) or chewing gum
- Applying lip balm constantly
- Getting out of bed at night to drink fluids
Your dentist may be seeing:
- Cavities
- Food debris
- A “pebbled” tongue
- Increased plaque
- Fungal infection
- Red and shiny tongue and cheeks
Denture wearers may notice that their dentures don’t stay in place due to lack of lubrication. Without enough saliva, denture adhesives cannot develop their adhesive properties.
**Biotène is not indicated for relieving all these symptoms.

Dry Mouth Can Also Affect Your Quality of Life
If you do not properly manage your dry mouth, it’s symptoms** may cause:
- Anxiety
- Depression
You don’t have to live with the serious or even moderately annoying symptoms and consequences of having a dry mouth. Reduced saliva can be managed. Don’t delay seeking help. Ask your dental professional if you’re not sure you have dry mouth. When you start properly managing dry mouth early, you can more easily manage the symptoms of dry mouth.
**Biotène is not indicated for all these symptoms.
Biotène provides long lasting relief of dry mouth. In addition to Biotène Dry Mouth Moisturizing Mouthwash, Biotène Dry Mouth Oralbalance Gel and Biotène Dry Mouth Moisturizing Spray, here are some other things to keep in mind to help relieve your dry mouth symptoms.
Biotène is the #1 pharmacist, dentist and hygienist recommended brand for a dry mouth. It’s available over-the-counter as a moisturizing mouthwash, mouth spray, toothpaste, and moisturizing gel.