Saliva Plays an Important Role in Your Overall Oral Health
Saliva is produced from 6 salivary glands located all around your mouth. Combined, they create 1 liter of saliva a day — that’s almost enough to fill 3 whole soda cans.
A Drop in Saliva Production Can Lead To Dry Mouth
A steady flow of saliva keeps the mouth moist. If you notice your mouth is often uncomfortably dry or sticky (also known as cotton-mouth), you may have dry mouth. It’s likely that by the time you notice symptoms, you may have already lost half of the naturally protective saliva in your mouth.
Don’t Ignore Dry Mouth
Without enough saliva to wash away bacteria, you’re more likely to develop bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. You also might find it hard to speak or chew and may also notice food doesn’t taste like it used to.

Biotène Dry Mouth oralbalance Moisturizing Gel offers immediate long-lasting moisturizing relief and comes in a small tube for discreet on-the-go application. This concentrated formula not only provides relief at night but can also help you swallow food.